The most important questions that a consumer asked about the diamond are “What are the blood diamonds”? There are different names that are used for blood diamonds. Conflict diamonds or hot diamonds are also called blood diamonds. These diamonds are mined during the zones of war so they are also called conflict diamonds. It is considered a warlord’s activity as they are sold to the different insurgencies. Sometimes the terms also depict the illegal trade of diamonds in certain areas. It is also used as a title for the person who comes from this kind of area. There is a complete history of the fame of blood diamonds.
Blood diamonds are the kind of diamonds that are traded illegally. They are mined illegally due to conflicts of funds in war-torn areas. The diamond is a great cause of conflicts and bloodshed in war areas so they are also considered as conflict diamonds. It is one of the most memorable facts about these diamonds. They are rough diamonds but when mined they became the cause of wars in many countries.
The World Diamond Council
Diamond mining is done through a regulatory authority known as the world Diamond Council. In Antwerp, The World Diamond Council is setup. The combined meeting of WFBD in Belgium is the source of best diamonds in the entire world. It is also considered as a best center for the trade of diamonds. Moreover, IDMA is the representation of best manufacturers. They are the voice of the diamond industry and its great manager. This is not only a center but a team of scientists and experts for a large number of diamond industries.
How to regulate Diamond Mining?
Up to the 2003, the mining of diamonds has remained a most tricky task. This is the reason it was not given any priority in the industry of diamond. Blood diamonds has remained a political issue but not an industry. It was the issue of stoking of conflict diamonds. It has not nay link to the diamond companies or any retailer. The main goal was the high demand of blood diamonds. To resolve the issue rough diamonds play a role and make a way. It was a great reason to link these mined diamonds with the greatest civil wars. It also led to many other social issues like abuses of human rights, enhance in the group of rebels and increasing in the number of child soldiers. The diamond-rich countries contain many precious metals in their earth so mining started in these areas for the global marketing. The bad consequences of this mining ignored in the diamond-rich countries. The Democratic Republic of Congo was a great representation of this issue in the country of Africa.
So to make confirm the diamond you are going to purchase are h gorgeous conflict free diamonds. You have to know the gorgeous gift for your love is not linked to civil wars. Instead of worrying about the conflicts diamonds you have to be careful before purchasing them.